Solace & Perpetuity. An algorithmically rendered partly fictionalized autobiography of an artist. As in a medieval Book of Hours, various genres of original writings are represented: diary entries, dreams, academic papers, fictive prose, poetry, plays, and video and installation scripts, and more.
8 ½ x 5 1/2”. $2500

Solace & Perpetuity. Open Spread, Green Cover.

Solace & Perpetuity. Green cover

“See No Evil” is a text and image diary. It is an intimate ramble, partially masked by drawings of creatures from Albertus Seba’s Cabinet of Natural Curiosities produced by SMALL EDITIONS NY in 2021
While the 200 pages of original text remain constant, 165 digitized original colored pencil drawings are applied to the text by an algorithm so each of 20 volumes of the book are “masked differently” to afford different readings. 21 of the 165 drawings in each edition are targets for augmented reality moving images.
11×9”. open:11 × 18”. $2300

See No Evil. Adrianne Wortzel’s SEE NO EVIL is a drawing and text work in the form of a diary, created by a fictive, anxious, urban person whose life span straddles the 20th and 21st centuries. Each book shows a shaded side of the self; and the text is a litany of questions, complaints and mini-epiphanies.SEE NO EVIL also has an augmented reality (AR) component–20 of the 165 drawings in the book are AR targets–where animations come to life in devices where the AR app is installed. $2300

See No Evil